German-Chinese Bureau of Economic Research (GCB) | China Economic Bulletin
China Economic Bulletin
The German-Chinese Bureau of Economic Research publishes the China Economic Bulletin (CEB) to provide information and analysis on the Chinese economy as well as on trends in outbound and inbound investment.
Read the introduction of the latest issue for free. DCW members have full access to all issues as well as to print versions as PDF.
No. 24: The Impact of Xi Jinping’s 2012 Anti-Corruption Campaign on Foreign Companies in China
The Impact of Xi Jinping’s 2012 Anti-Corruption Campaign on Foreign Companies in China
No. 23: “Made in China 2025” Today – A Reflective Review
“Made in China 2025” Today – A Reflective Review
Log in as DCW member to read the older issues:
- China Economic Bulletin No. 22:
Recent Developments of Data Governance in China and Implications for Foreign Investment
Part 4 of 4: Policy Transfer in the Context of Chinese Data Governance: Multilateral Influence with Chinese Characteristics? | Conclusion - China Economic Bulletin No. 21:
Recent Developments of Data Governance in China and Implications for Foreign Investment
Part 3 of 4: The Chinese (Corporate) Social Credit System: From Experimentation towards a Policy Model for the World? - China Economic Bulletin No. 20:
Recent Developments of Data Governance in China and Implications for Foreign Investment
Part 2 of 4: Protection of Personal Information in China: Towards a Rival to European Standards? - China Economic Bulletin No. 19:
Recent Developments of Data Governance in China and Implications for Foreign Investment
Part 1 of 4: Introduction | Cybersecurity in China: Departing from Established Standards? - China Economic Bulletin No. 18:
Beyond the Headlines: The Impact on German Firms from Chinese Acquisitions
Part 5 of 5: How Do Integration and Target Autonomy Work Together to Realize Synergies - China Economic Bulletin No. 17:
Beyond the Headlines: The Impact on German Firms from Chinese Acquisitions
Part 4 of 5: Cultural Insights from Both Sides - China Economic Bulletin No. 16:
Beyond the Headlines: The Impact on German Firms from Chinese Acquisitions
Part 3 of 5: Three Questions that Target Companies Frequently Ignore - China Economic Bulletin No. 15:
Beyond the Headlines: The Impact on German Firms from Chinese Acquisitions
Part 2 of 5: Messages in the Soaring Figures - China Economic Bulletin No. 14:
Beyond the Headlines: The Impact on German Firms from Chinese Acquisitions
Part 1 of 5: Introduction and Short Briefing - China Economic Bulletin No. 10 to 13:
The Case for A New Normal - China Economic Bulletin No. 6 to 9:
Logistics in China - China Economic Bulletin No. 2 to 5:
Comparative Analysis of Selected Business Surveys in 2013 - China Economic Bulletin No. 1:
The First Issue
Stay tuned!
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